all that remains is my window frame

2021 - Ongoing

Developed within the residency at Diaphane pôle photographique x FRAC Picardie.

From 2020 till 2021, I shot the same window over the span of 90 days scattered around a year of confinement, and in Lebanon, a year of collapse.

In September 2021, I took one of these windows with me to France and stuck it on a wall that I can see quite often. And then again in 2022 to Scotland, and in 2024 to France again. And I am observing how this makeshift window is interacting with the new environment it was grafted in.

The finality of the project will be what remains of the window.

In this project I explore the notion of the deconstruction of home, more importantly the deconstruction of the notion of belonging to a nation.

A selection of the windows that were shot between March 2020 and March 2021

Day 1, (01/10/2021),Diaphane Pôle Photographique, Clermont de L’Oise, France.

Day 6, (06/10/2021),Diaphane Pôle Photographique, Clermont de L’Oise, France.

Day 22,(22/10/2021), Diaphane Pôle Photographique, Clermont de L’Oise, France.

Day 55,(24/11/2021), Diaphane Pôle Photographique, Clermont de L’Oise, France.

Day 55,(24/11/2021), Diaphane Pôle Photographique, Clermont de L’Oise, France. (Detail)

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